Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Clear and Bright: Chapter Thirty One: Gifts
"Yours is bigger than mine," I pout, looking at our waiting-for-him shoes beneath the tree.
"You're adorable," he snickers, planting a kiss on my protruding lip.
"I know. All the more reason it's unfair."
"Well, I don't know what I can do about it, sweetheart. You have little feet."
"Can I put more than one?"
"If you like. Brat."
I stick my tongue out at him and run to the bedroom, flinging open the closet doors when I get there. I haven't really kept up on any holiday traditions since my grandfather died, other than the little tree I get every year for Little Claire and myself, but I like this one, and that Jaimin wanted to acknowledge it.
And since he did, and thinks I'm so adorable, I might as well have fun with it.
I grab as many shoes as I can, and boots, too, and run back to the living room and him with arms full. He starts laughing as soon as he sees me, and that sound...
The most pure and beautiful sound I've ever heard...
Is better than any present or any thousand presents this spoiled girl could ever dream of.
"You said I could," I remind him as he shakes his head at my silliness.
"Don't I always?"
"Say yes? NO."
"I do when you really want something."
"Did you fall and hit your head while I was getting more shoes, Jaimin? Because I think you're delusional."
"No, I did not."
"I think you did... and that you're so delusional that you don't even remember doing it. You should sit down. Or lie back... and let me-"
"You know that naughty children get spankings instead of presents, right, Claire?"
"They do?"
"YES, they do."
"Interesting, but no, I didn't know that. We only ever got the second. Little Claire and I... because we're good girls."
"She is, yes."
I stick my tongue out at him again, and wiggle my brows for added effect - and in request - but he only shakes his head at me again.
"You might as well just go and put them all back in the closet, sweetheart."
"I will, gladly, if you give me a reason. If I'm going to get a spanking instead of presents, I should at least earn it honestly."
"Don't you always?"
"No? Are you sure, Claire? Or sure you want to admit that?"
"Admit what? I- Oh no you don't! Leave your interpretation in your pocket, Mr. Guillory. Everything I do, I do honestly, even though some things are brat-inspired. What I don't do, and what I was saying no to, is always earn it. It being your interpretation-inspired spankings. Which are bratty, too, since I'm being honest, like always."
"You're adorable. Like always."
"And right, I suppose."
"You'll get presents no matter what else you get. Both of you."
"Both of us?"
"Yes, both of you." He smiles at my confusion and reaches into his pocket. "And I can't promise to ever put my interpretation in my pocket, but I do have something in here."
I wait, patient but still confused, until he pulls his hand back out and in it is one of Little Claire's shoes.
He chuckles at all of mine in their greedy place under the tree - or trees, I should say - but finds a place for it under my treasured one. Well... ours. And if ever I was mush...
"Hmmm... amazing how perfectly it fits," I muse, perfectly aware of what his interpretation of my words will be.
"Well, her feet are even littler than yours, it wasn't hard to make it fit. And for your sake, beautiful, her shoe better have been what you were referring to."
"Actually, it wasn't. Nor was it what you might think it was." I add the second part because, silly I may be, but I'm not stupid... "I meant my 'adorable' crown, and how perfectly it fits on your head, which should be impossible... because yours is so BIG... " I clear my throat before I continue, and then laugh, because, let's face it, I'm still a brat... and an honest one... "But clearly not too big. Because it does. Fit perfectly. My crown that jumped right off of the top of my head and onto yours."
"How lucky you are that I'm interpreting all of that as sweet... "
"It was meant to be. Honest. But like other things, I'm not as good at sweet as you are, so-"
So disappears... into his mouth... and so does any worry that I have a spanking coming. Because the only thing he could ever give me is gifts, whether I earn them or not, regardless of what else he thinks I do.
And for the first time in a long time, I think we're all looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning and finding them. In all of their perfection... and all of their not, no matter how little or big either are.
I'm a little sad when I wake up and find myself in our bed alone, especially after the glorious gift-giving night we spent in it last night, but that sadness falls away instantly when I realize I'm wrong, and that I'm not. Little Claire is tucked in beside me... tightly, but with the blankets carefully and heart-achingly sweetly not too high.
Will he ever stop amazing me with the things he does for me? The me he loves and the little one he tries to make up to for anyone who didn't?
I know the answer to that is no, and that I'll know that even more when I reach our living room, but I can't help but ask the question anyway. Every day of my life. Even if not every moment.
Agreeing to be Jaimin's wife - which, when we got to his parents' last night for what we thought was a family holiday dinner and discovered that it was, but not only, because it was also a celebration of that agreement - has etched in glorious, extraordinary stone that I always will. Know how equally glorious and extraordinary my life will be, but be unable to stop questioning how it's possible for such a life to exist for the unwanted and unloved little girl that's own was discarded. And wished it had been before it had a chance to exist. My life.
That did exist, even if not to the people who created it. People that I refuse to waste another thought on as I grab Little Claire and climb from the bed.
We may not get to spend this day with the people who saved us then, but we will spend it with the person who wants to forever. Save us and spoil us with everything he can, if we just get out of this room and into another. The one we get to after a stop in one in between to brush our teeth - or mine, at least - and smooth our mussed tresses. Again, mine... because that gift giving night we spent in our bed before Little Claire was tucked into it left it anything but perfect, though he'd probably disagree with that, his interpretation and all...
That I won't deny him having or ask him to pocket. Ever. But certainly not now when we rush into the living room squealing like the silly children we are... okay, me, not her... and are greeted with his beautifully perfect laughter behind us.
"Perfect timing, sweetheart," he murmurs, kissing the back of my head, after and upon which I feel him place something.
"What is that?" I ask as he spins me around.
But then I see the answer, because he places a tiny crown of holly garland - which he's adorned with tiny marshmallows that look like they've been dipped in sugar, and which I also know is just a smaller version of the one I wear - on the top of Little Claire's head.
"I knew you'd take back your crown the moment you woke up and climbed out of our bed, but I didn't want it to be invisible."
"And by not wanting it to be, you stole it away from me again."
"No, Claire, you just keep trying to give it to me, which only solidifies that on top of your beautiful head is where it belongs."
"Whatever you say, my adorable KING."
"Oh, I like that... "
"I knew you would," I laugh, "because adorable is by far not all you are."
"Yet you give me yours, anyway. All... "
"I do," I agree easily and then tear my eyes from his beaming smile to our trees, beneath which he's given me his. More than I could even have imagined... "But not nearly as much as you have. I've never seen so many presents in my life. Is there anything left in your very deep pockets? Can we even eat tomorrow?"
"You'll never go without anything, Claire, I promise. Least of all food, which I request you let me give you before you spend hours indulging in what else I have."
"I have to wait?"
He laughs at my high-pitched whine of a question and makes to straighten my crown. "Your KING's orders, yes."
"You said REQUEST. And I-"
"Should know there's really no difference between the two."
"Maybe not by your interpretation, but-"
"Haven't you learned yet, sweetheart, that what's mine is YOURS?"
"Yes," I sigh in surrender, "But I would like it acknowledged that you are torturing me by making me wait. And making what's yours mine. In this case."
"I know, but it's nothing I wouldn't - and haven't - endured for you. Waiting patiently for something that would shatter all expectations."
"You are deliciously and beautifully evil, do you know that?"
"I might."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Claire."
"Good. Now do it with food. Quickly. Please."
"Yes, my adorable Queen."
"You remembered?"
"Of course I remembered."
I giggle like a child as I dress Little Claire in her new leather bomber jacket, an exact copy of the one Loring gave me for my birthday. The one that I asked Jaimin if she could have one like.
One that, just like he said, he of course remembered. "Thank you. It's perfect. And the hat... but she'll keep her crown on for now, if that's okay?"
"Of course it is. We wouldn't want her to get too warm. Or think she'd lost it. Her crown, I mean."
"No... but she'd handle it graciously if she did. She's much more mature than I am."
"If you mean less of a brat than you are, then I agree. She is."
"Your turn," I say with an exaggerated roll of my eyes and hand him another gift.
"You've given me more than enough, Claire. All of these gifts, while appreciated, were completely unnecessary. I already have everything I could want right here."
I know he means me, and of course I'm mush because he does, but I'm too excited for him to open what I put in his hands to let it distract me.
"Well, that one is for both of us, I suppose, but I think you'll know when you see what it is that I absolutely was thinking of you when I bought it."
We've exchanged many gifts today, though I was on the receiving end of far more than he was, but the last few that he has left to open, at least, are special ones. In some way or other.
The one he's tearing the paper from now is special in a playful way, and not entirely selfless of me by any means. It's a set of the softest, richest, most luxurious sheets I could find, in an equally rich and luxurious deep chocolate. He's going to love them. And me on them...
Which is exactly what I see in his eyes when he runs his fingers over them in the tissue-lined box.
"You need another crown, Claire."
"I like the one I was given."
"Then maybe I'll have to find some other way to adorn you for this."
"By all means, adorn me as you see fit. Because you are unequivocally the king of adorning things, and me... who is curious... May I ask what my impending adornment will be for?"
"Well, thank you. I'm honored to be thought to possess it. Again. Does that mean you like your present?"
"It does. Would you like me to show you how much I do?"
"Hell yes!"
"But not now? Okay, beautiful, I'll wait."
"Where did you get the idea that I meant not now?"
"Straight from your NAUGHTY mouth."
Damn it!
"Your turn, naughty girl."
I pout as he lays the box of future luxury aside, but he only smirks at me and reaches for two small boxes, laying one in front of me and the other in front of Little Claire.
"Which one should I open first?"
I don't tear into it like I did all of the others, because I have a feeling there's something special about it. It's small, and heavy, and I open it slowly and carefully, even though I'm anxious to see what lies inside.
And more anxious when I find a red Cartier box beneath the wrapping. A red Cartier box just like one he's yet to open. Brilliant minds...
I remove the lid, and open the one inside, to find a double strand of exquisite pearls waiting for me.
He really doesn't forget anything. And doesn't know what he's given me. Well... maybe he does...
"While I found your marshmallow pearls adorable, I thought you should have some real ones."
"I've always wanted some."
"I thought maybe you had. I remembered seeing a photograph in one of your albums of your grandmother fastening hers around your neck. The smile on your sweet little face was... well, something unforgettable. Like the one I see now."
"My grandfather gave her those pearls. They were very special to her. She told me that diamonds were a promise of forever, but when a man gives you pearls it means more. That forever with you isn't enough. That... "
"You don't have to tell me, Claire," he says softly when I trail off.
"No... it's not that. She said she couldn't put it into words what it meant. But that someday I'd know... because she was sure a man would give me pearls someday... and then I would understand what she didn't know how to say."
"Well, what she did say was right. It's not enough."
"Thank you."
"Does she have hers? I was surprised not to find them when I looked through your jewelry box. You know... just in case you already had some."
"No one ever gave me pearls, Jaimin. Until today. You. And yes, she does. She wanted me to have them, but I couldn't take them. She never took them off. Other than that day she put them on me for a few moments. Because I'd asked if I could wear them...
"I never asked again. And when she died, I left them around her neck where they belonged."
"You're a beautiful woman, Claire. In every possible way."
"Would you put them on me?" I ask, my heart pounding with his words.
"Of course I will."
A wonderful, soothing warmth settles over me as he takes them from the box and clasps them around my neck. A warmth that will never leave me. Because I do understand. And even if she hadn't have told me how special pearls are... I'd know now. Because he is. Him and those eyes of his...
He sighs a contented sigh at his newest adornment and gently strokes my hair before lowering his hand and pushing the smaller box closer to me with an innocent smile.
An innocent smile that tells me what's inside before I even open it. "You didn't."
"She's you... "
I open it much more quickly than I opened mine, my mouth falling open in shock when I do, even though it's exactly what I expected.
"They're real."
"Of course they're real."
"Jaimin... she is me, but you know she's just a doll, right?"
"Not to you, Claire. And not to me. Not at all."
"I'm already hopelessly in love with you, you know. You don't have to keep doing things that-"
"But I will. And I'd like to... so hurry up and open the rest of your presents so I can."
"The rest of the presents can wait!" I yell, jumping to my feet. "Make the bed, YOUR MAJESTY, I'm taking a shower!"
I run from the room before he can argue... but his sexy chuckle tells me he wasn't going to.
Because, like our pearls, the gift I gave him was brilliant. And at this moment...
Forever isn't nearly enough. For either of us.
He's still making the bed when I come into the bedroom wearing nothing but my pearls and a towel. And to say that surprises me would be an understatement.
"You're moving unusually slowly. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm feeling better than okay, sweetheart. As you will soon unequivocally know."
"Are you sure? I mean... I don't mean to sound impatient, but I'm surprised that you aren't finished yet."
"I'm not finished yet because I was taking care of something else first."
Something else? "Again, not meaning to sound impatient, but please tell me you aren't going to make me eat lunch before-"
"I'm not."
"So, if it wasn't food you were taking care of, then what was it?"
"A much smaller - and much more patient - you."
"Oh. Is she wearing her pearls now?"
"Yes she is. And showing them to her new friend."
"New friend?"
"Are we not alone?"
"No, we are. But she's not."
"Why isn't she?"
"Because I didn't want her to be."
"I don't understand."
"I'll show you if it's what you'd like. Though I was hoping you'd be willing to wait. For that. And trust me enough with her to."
"Of course I do. And I am. Willing... "
"Good... because I'm finished now. And not."
"I really love it when you're not," I whisper breathlessly as he pulls the towel from around me and drops it to the floor.
"Just another example of your brilliance," he breathes, sweeping me into his arms and laying me in the center of the bed.
"And YOURS," I declare, growing increasingly more proud of myself for my brilliant idea.
Because now that I'm here... atop this blank canvas of sorts... the one I gave him... I know that he will make me his greatest masterpiece. Though I know he already thinks I'm the world's.
Could know nothing but as he looks at me. And lets himself get lost... the way I do when a vision is before me... waiting to be brought to vivid life... with masterful stokes of... of...
"Best. Present. EVER."
His delicious chuckle flows over my skin. "I was just going to say the same thing."
"About the sheets?" I ask, knowing full and blissfully well it's not.
"Was I not exuberant enough in my appreciation of my gift, Claire? The one I was referring to?"
"If I had a crown to give you, I promise you you'd be wearing it. Instead of just wearing me."
"I like wearing you."
"I assure you that's clear. In fact, it's all over your face."
"You still have presents to open, sweetheart, you might want to remind your naughty mouth of that."
"You like my naughty mouth. Though not as much as you could... "
"The day's not over yet."
"It sure the hell isn't."
"You're asking for it."
"I am. And you don't even have to wrap it. I'll take it just-"
"As, how, and when I say."
"You know, Alaina was right about you... you are a tyrant."
"Thank you, Claire. Mentioning my sister obliterated any temptation this tyrant may have been feeling to be merciful."
Damn you, mouth! Will you never learn?
"I'm going to go take a shower now, beautiful. Meet you between the trees?"
"Maybe. If you're lucky."
"Then I'll see you there soon," he calls back to me as he leaves our bedroom. "Because no matter what else I am, I'm definitely that."
I'm exactly where he wanted me when he comes out from the bedroom clean, dressed, and sinful.
But perhaps not doing what he'd expected. "What are you doing, Claire?"
"Indulging myself. Since you won't let me."
He places the lid back on the box of chocolates and pushes them out of my reach. "Would you like me to make lunch now?"
"No because you're not hungry, or no because you're mad?"
"No because I want to open something."
"So, you are."
"Mad? No... I'm used to being deprived privileges by you."
"I didn't open your present to deprive you of getting to. And I know you've already seen it, but I would be happy to wrap it again so that you could."
"You know I'm not talking about the doll. Which I love, by the way." When I came into the living room I saw Little Claire's new friend. It was the most beautiful Alice doll I've ever seen, given to me - and opened - by the most beautiful man, the reasons for both the most adorable. "And I'm not mad at all that you opened her, because I know why you did, but I wish I'd have seen you do it, and seen you set them up in their little tete a tete. I'm sure it would have melted me."
"So, I found you sitting here eating chocolates because...?"
"Because I wanted chocolates. And if you'd have seen me open those - even though you gave them to me - you'd have probably taken them away. Like you just did."
"I'll give them back if it's really what you want, Claire."
"Not now. What I really want is to finish opening presents. Because to be honest... the mess in here is starting to stress me out. Wrapping paper everywhere... and shoes... "
"All but two of which are YOURS... "
"I know that. Now, here," I say, putting a present into his hands once again. "I want you to open this one now."
"But I opened the last one. The last two, actually."
"Now who has the naughty mouth?"
"You LOVE my naughty mouth."
"Yes I do. And you. And will forever, so open your present so you can see that."
"I'll see that you'll love me forever in here?" he asks, holding up the wrapped box.
He rips the paper off like an excited child, making me giggle in spite of my nervousness at what I chose. I've never seen him wear anything like it, and I'm afraid he won't - like it - at all.
The watch is platinum-faced, set with faceted sapphire, and sapphire crystal, with blued steel sword-shaped hands, and a black alligator-skinned strap. Not to mention all of the complicated things it does... hence the name - Grande Complication - which I thought was fitting...
But still... "It's okay if you hate it... but I can't return it."
"I don't hate it, Claire... " He looks from the watch to my face, "even before I look at why you can't return it."
"As usual I should just be quiet... "
"You should never do that."
His Don't you dare stare falls from my face when I nod in silent surrender... and something else... and he looks down at the watch he's turned over in his hand. He himself is quiet as he reads the inscription: All of the time I have is yours. A thousand forevers, Claire
"It's good that you think I shouldn't... because I probably can't... ever... and won't... "
"Probably?" he asks with a sweet, teasing smile.
"Well... you're the one with all of the right words... that's why I steal them from you so often... "
"Clearly not true."
I smile, but can't help but still be unsure, despite the etched words I know he loves. "You really don't hate it?"
"You really are a silly girl, sweetheart."
"A silly girl who loves you... "
"Yes... and I was a fool to have ever doubted that."
"But you don't anymore, so... "
"Because you don't let me."
"It's nice to be in control of something."
"It is."
"Well, no one knows that better than you."
He winks at me as he puts the watch in my hand and holds out his wrist for me to put it on him. And I'm mush, of course, but it's not all I am.
Because adorning someone with the forever - or thousands of - that you want to spend with them, and them letting you so willingly...
I can't imagine a greater gift.
Except for one.
Or two...
But I haven't given him them yet.
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