Thursday, June 23, 2011
Clear and Bright: Chapter Eighteen: Vulnerable
"Who were you talking to?"
He's just woken to find me in 'his office-my studio' at his desk, his laptop open in front of me, my phone still in my hand after my just-ended conversation. "Good morning."
"Good morning. Answer the question."
"A real estate agent. A she, and someone I know."
"Why? I don't recall discussing any matters of real estate."
"May I request that you don't go all control-freak on me before you've had your coffee?"
"Request denied. WHY?"
It was worth a shot. "I saw a property that has just become available. From a distance, of course, in passing... I wanted to get some information. I called her, knowing she'd give it to me straight. Of course I was going to discuss it with you, but I didn't want to do that if it wasn't a feasible option. Which it isn't."
"Why isn't it? You said it just became available?"
"It did, and it is, just not to me."
"Why not to you?"
"I realize I don't know everything involved in buying property and creating a business... and I absolutely want your help with some of those details, but I created a preliminary budget, so to speak, and that particular property is way out of the realm of possibility."
"Show me your preliminary budget."
I pull it up on the screen and stand from the chair so he can sit. He pulls me into his lap and looks over my numbers and smiles. "There are some things you haven't considered, but I will help you with that. I must say, sweetheart, I'm impressed. You've been busy."
"I had to do something while I was locked up."
He tightens his arms around me in response. "Your figures seem feasible. Where is this property you saw in passing that's way out of the realm of possibility?"
"It was just a thought... and I'd really rather not... "
"It might upset you that I even considered it... please... "
I sigh at my hopeless predicament, and squeeze my eyes shut as I answer, "Across the street from Jouissance."
"Look at me."
I open my eyes and can't quite read his expression. It's a mix of happiness and irritation.
"And why in the hell would that upset me?"
"It might have made you feel smothered? Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I can't afford it... "
"Stand up."
I shake my head furiously and he laughs. "You'll have to eventually. And if you would have discussed this with me, LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE, I would have told you that there's nowhere I'd rather have you than right under my nose. And that your figures would need to be reconfigured for that location, which, by the way, is perfect for you."
"But the price tag isn't."
"Since when do you worry about price tags?"
"We're talking about property, Jaimin, not a pair of boots. There's a big difference. And buying that property would mean I'd be barefoot."
"Then it's a good thing you have pretty feet."
"You're hilarious," I say with a roll of my eyes, "but my pretty feet like to be indulged. I'm too spoiled to give that up."
"You don't have to give anything up. I'll buy you all of the expensive boots and shoes your pretty little feet desire. Next excuse?"
"I'm not making excuses, it's just too much."
"You said your budget was preliminary. Let's rework it."
"Yes, but no amount of reworking will make it possible. I need to let it go and find something else. With your help and approval, of course. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up."
"It's more than possible. It's easily done. You don't have to let go of anything."
"Yes, I do."
"It's just money, Claire. Your hopes have no limit."
"It may be that simple for you, but my pockets aren't as deep as yours. We're talking about a lot of money... and I'm unemployed, remember? I don't have a position anymore. And I'm not hanging anywhere. There's nothing coming in. And if I do this, there's no pay check. There's nothing if I don't sell and there won't be anything if I don't do it right... "
I stop talking and look at him with another hopeless sigh. He can't win this one, no matter how much he wants to. This is all pointless.
"Up. We can finish this discussion in the kitchen while I start some coffee and make breakfast."
I stand and am instantly met with a smack to my behind.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You know what. Walk."
I stick my tongue out at him, knowing he can't see, and head to the kitchen, hopping up to sit my stinging ass on my self appointed spot. "You know, sometimes you're mean."
"Sometimes you're a brat. Now, what would you like this morning?"
"A chocolate souffle."
"Not for breakfast. What's your second choice?"
He narrows his eyes at me. "How very American of you."
"You like oatmeal, do you?"
I lock my lips tightly together. I really don't want to...
"Clearly you do, or you wouldn't have asked for it. But I still expect an answer."
"Yes," I say quietly.
"And when did you last have oatmeal?"
Crap. "I've tried to make it, but... A long time ago. It's not important. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry, Claire. I already assumed where your affection for cheese sandwiches came from. So, he used to make you oatmeal... I'll make it better. But not today. It's not something I have, but if you like it, I will get some." He sighs and I see the battle raging. "Third choice?"
"Anything," I whisper.
Thankfully, he accepts my you choose answer and begins our breakfast.
"Look... Yes, I'm jealous, but that's my own issue. You're allowed to like things, Claire, no matter how you may have been introduced to them. It's just food, and in that I am certainly willing and more than able to indulge you. Tell me some other things you like that I might not be likely to prepare."
"I like everything you prepare. I don't need anything else."
He sits my cup of coffee next to me and lifts my chin with his finger. "Tell me."
Okay... "Bacon."
"With breakfast?"
"I would eat bacon all day if I could."
He laughs and raises a brow. "Bacon and eggs?"
"Yes. And in sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes."
"Oh! And on cheeseburgers."
"You're adorable. Bacon. Got it. What else?"
"I like pizza, too. We can do that. What else?"
"Tacos. And fried potatoes. Separately, not together, of course."
He laughs again. "So, basically anything dripping with grease?"
I nod enthusiastically. "Yes! Yum."
"I don't know, sweetheart... I like my pretty little ass the way it is."
"I promise it won't change. Cross my heart."
He smirks and places our plates on the breakfast bar. "Hop down from there and bring it over here while you still can."
"Yes, Sir!" I salute, anxious to dig in. "And it's not even Monday... I am spoiled."
"Rotten," he winks, placing two fresh cups of coffee next to our plates and sitting down next to me. "Now, back to our earlier discussion. My pockets are your pockets, and I assure you, you can afford it. I considered buying it just to ensure nothing I might find undesirable moved in there. I apologize that it didn't immediately occur to me that it would be perfect for you. And any part of it that isn't, we'll change. It's that simple. We'll call as soon as we're finished eating."
"I'm not taking money from you."
"Yes you are."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are. And don't think of it as taking money from me, I'm investing in your hope, while keeping riffraff off of my block."
"Jaimin... "
"Don't argue with me. You won't win."
"You know, it's your fault the property is so high. Your pretentious establishment and it's success has shot the property value on your block through the roof."
"I know," he smirks shamelessly.
"Of course you do. Look... " He narrows his eyes at me in warning, but I continue, "I love you for offering to do this for me... "
"I'm not offering. I'm doing it. End of discussion."
"I'm not afraid of you, so stop trying to intimidate me."
He laughs, but I ignore it. "Now... While I am honored that you have enough faith in me to invest your money in my hope, I know you. Part of why you're doing this is because you want control. I don't want a boss, Jaimin, and I sure as hell don't want to have to answer to you."
"Be careful with my pretty mouth. And you already do have to answer to me."
I glare at him, but it only makes him laugh again.
"You're cute when you're mad."
"You're not."
"I don't imagine I am, so behave and don't push me to it."
"Stop telling me what to do."
"You're funny, too."
"I want to do this by myself."
"Not an option."
"Not your decision."
"Try again."
"I don't want to fight with you."
"Then stop."
"You're making me really mad."
"You'll get over it."
He is so unbelievably infuriating. And this is going nowhere. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and try to calm myself. He's smirking at me when I open my eyes. Of course he is. Ugh!
"Jaimin... "
"Yes, Claire?"
Condescending bastard. "This is important to me."
"It's important to me, too. I want you to be happy. I want you to have everything that you want."
"I'd like to point out that that's a blatant lie. But as for the subject at hand, I'm trying to be reasonable. Maybe I just can't have everything that I want right now."
"It's not like you to give up so easily when you want something. In any case, I'm not going to let you. And I don't lie. Now, if you're finished, we have a phone call to make. Your agent or mine?"
"I did not agree to anything!"
"Okay, mine." He stands and pulls me off my chair and down the hall behind him, back to our shared space, grabbing his phone from the table on the way. He pulls a black leather book from a desk drawer, flips it open a few pages and starts to dial a number.
So infuriating! "No, mine!"
He ends the call with a smirk. "Have it your way."
"That is, as long as you haven't slept with her," I add sarcastically, sitting in his desk chair.
He narrows his eyes at my smart remark and I turn away to type her agency's website into his laptop for the second time today. I click on her profile and look up at him expectantly. His expression is apologetic, to say the least. I think I'm going to be sick.
I bury my face in my hands, my words a mumble against them, "God, I was just... I didn't actually expect that you had."
He turns the chair towards him and pulls my hands from my face and holds them in his. "I'm sorry, Claire," he whispers, kneeling down and looking up at me. "But I'm not going to lie to you."
"Lucky me."
"If I could undo it for you, I would."
"Too bad you can't," I say, pulling my hands from his and standing. "Call whoever you want. Do whatever you want. I'm going to take a shower."
I turn to walk away and he grabs me, spinning me around. "Sweetheart, please... I am sorry... Don't be upset... "
"Please let go of me."
He knows he's not hurting me this time, his grip firm but gentle. "No," he says quietly.
"Please," I beg, "It hurts, okay? Maybe that's childish and stupid, but it's what I feel. This isn't just some random whore, I know her. I should have figured it out when she brought you up, and Jouissance, but I didn't because I'm an idiot. But now I know. And knowing that she has more intimate knowledge of you than I do, when I, the woman completely in love with you, willing to do anything for you, continuously beg you and you reject and deny me over and over and over again, hurts. Please let me go."
"No, sweetheart. Not when you're being irrational."
"I'm irrational? You got upset because someone made me oatmeal."
That was mean. He didn't deserve that.
Damn it. "Jaimin... I... "
He puts his finger to my lips, his tone thoughtful and serious, "Yes, Claire. Someone made you oatmeal. Someone who loved you. Someone who you loved. Someone who you spent years with. Someone who you gave something very precious to. If I think about the time he got to have you... All of you... Of course I'm jealous of that. But I didn't walk away from you. I didn't let it twist what I know. I know it's in your past. I know I'm your present. I know I'm your future. I know you love me.
I didn't say your hurt was irrational, just what you twisted it into. I know my past behavior upsets you. I truly am sorry for that. I wish I could change it. I'm sorry that there was someone you know. It was once. Nothing special. Nothing memorable. Nothing that meant anything to me. And certainly not anything intimate. I've never spent an intimate moment with anyone but you. I've explained all of this to you. Don't let it hurt you. Don't let it twist inside of you. Don't let it make you feel rejected. Don't ever feel that, sweetheart. Not from me. I would never reject you. And I don't deny you. I deny myself. I know you don't understand it, but please don't be hurt by it. You don't want what I gave them. I promise you that you don't. It was nothing. I will give you everything. Will you trust me, please? Know that I love you in every possible way, and trust me?"
Listen to him. Listen and let it go.
Why does it hurt so much? It is rejection, why can't he see that?
You know that he loves you. You promised to listen.
Hurt is hard to hear through.
He's waiting.
He is. Patiently. I can't answer him. A nod is all I can manage. I move closer to him so he understands when I try to pull free. He lets go and I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my cheek against his chest. I hear his heartbeat, I feel it. I know it beats for me. But still... it doesn't take it away.
"It hurts. I can't pretend it doesn't."
"I don't want you to pretend anything. But I wish you wouldn't hurt. I guess we can't always help that. It's not just jealousy, Claire. The years are painful. The all hurts. It boils my blood... Even oatmeal... But I can't punish you for it. I can't take it out on you. I sure as hell won't let it come between us."
Come between us? "Is that what I'm doing?"
"It feels like it."
"I don't want to do that. I don't want anything to come between us. I swear I don't."
"Then don't let it."
"I'm sorry. I... I don't know what to say... I'm a mess... "
"You're my mess."
"Lucky you... "
"I think so."
"I don't. Why do you love me?"
"There aren't enough hours in the day, beautiful. And believe me, I am."
"You know, you're very sweet for an arrogant, bossy control-freak."
He strokes my hair gently as he whispers, "It's not about control, sweetheart, I just want to make your dreams come true. Like you did for me."
"You melt me," I whisper back.
"So... does that mean I don't have to answer to you?"
"You and that confused brain of yours," he chuckles.
"I want to be the boss," I say with a pout, stomping my foot.
"While I may find that completely adorable, I wouldn't recommend that approach in business."
"Of course not, that's only for you. But I'm serious. I'm in charge, not you."
"I will advise you as I see fit. And you will listen."
"I will seek your advice if and when I need it. Until that time, if it ever comes, please be beautifully, and charmingly silent."
"Perhaps you should lie down. I think you may be ill. You're positively delirious. I'm terribly worried about you."
"I love you," I giggle.
"Definitely ill."
"Terminally. It's hopeless."
He lifts my face to his and kisses me so deeply that my knees buckle. My body's acknowledgement of the power he has over me only fuels him, his lips now demanding my full submission. I couldn't fight it if I wanted to. As if.
I fall breathlessly against him as he pulls his mouth from mine to speak, "I'm going to call, but before I do, I want to ask you something."
"I want you to sell your apartment."
What? Even through the muddled haze his kisses have left me in, I'm sure I heard him clearly. "That wasn't a question."
"No, it wasn't, Claire."
I look up at him and his eyes are serious. Completely serious.
"You want me to live here with you?"
"Of course I do."
"Jaimin... "
"Well... it doesn't have to be here. I can find a better place for us. For you. I know how much you love your studio, and I know that this doesn't begin to compare... but your apartment is full of memories... the only memories here are ours... there's never been anyone else... and someplace new... I promise I'll find something perfect... something you'll love... someplace you'll be happy... anything you want... "
"I... What?"
Oh, his beautiful, innocent, vulnerable face... "Did you think I would say no?"
He nods innocently and my heart swells. "Jaimin, I meant it when I said I wouldn't deny you. I will give you anything. And I would be happy anywhere, as long as you were with me. And your mouth. Which I'm fully aware that you tried to manipulate me with a minute ago. You didn't need to do that... I would have said yes anyway."
"But you like my mouth."
"Yes, I do, but I'd like you to give it to me because you want to, not because you think you can coerce me with it."
"I did. It didn't occur to me to use it to coerce you until you went weak in the knees."
"You're shameless."
"I know. Thank you for saying yes."
"Thank you for asking me. In your way."
"I want to do it today."
"Do what?"
"Move you in."
"There's no rush... "
"Please, Claire."
"I won't change my mind... "
"Please. I need it."
There's that word. That word I could never say no to. Not from him.
"Okay. If that's what you need."
"I love you."
"Just love me?"
He shakes his head and his hands move to my face again. "More than love you." His mouth claims me again. Gently. Sweetly. It asks for nothing, and gives everything. Love. Thanks. More.
When our lips separate, his arms wrap tightly around me and simply hold me. A few moments in time where nothing else exists. Only calm. Only peace. Only hope.
Hope... Hmmm... Oh hell, why not... "I better get in the shower now. Want to come with?"
"More than you could imagine. But not today, sweetheart."
"Okay," I sigh, "but I'll keep asking... maybe one day you'll say yes... "
"There's no maybe about it, beautiful. I promise."
He gives me one last kiss, and an appreciative squeeze on the ass and off to the shower I go.
When I come back, I find clothes laid out on the bed. A pair of jeans, a t-shirt, one of his sweatshirts, his choice of lacy goodies, and a note laid on top. Two words. Thank you.
The smile stays plastered on my face as I dress and go to say my You're welcome in person. I find him on the couch, the deliveries I'd forgotten about opened in front of him. He looks annoyed.
"Come here."
Crap. Definitely not amused. "Why do you look like I'm in trouble?"
He picks up the handcuffs and dangles them from one finger. "What did I tell you about props?"
Oh. "That you don't need them."
"Unless you choose to use them."
"Key word in that?"
Geez... "You."
"Yet you ordered these."
Obviously a mistake... "Yes."
"Not only a prop, but one that implies that I need assistance holding on to you."
Are you kidding me? "No, that's not... "
"Interpretation, Claire."
"Well, then I'm sorry, but yours is wrong. That's not at all what it means. You don't need anything to hold on to me. You have me. I love you. I can see that I shouldn't have done it. I ordered those that first day I was locked up in your office. I was feeling sorry for myself and I was being a smart ass. I honestly just thought they were cute. That's all. I'm sorry it upset you. That's not at all what I wanted. Please don't be angry with me."
He tosses them onto the table and looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Need I keep reminding you about that mouth?"
"I... No."
"Is that a game you like to play?"
"I don't understand the question."
"You bought them, Claire, not me."
"Oh. I... well... I never... "
"No. That's not really... "
"Not really what?"
"Well... giving someone that much power... being that vulnerable... to trust that much... for me... I never... "
"A bit of a mixed message, wouldn't you say? To send them to me."
"I didn't really think it through... "
"I see."
"But it doesn't matter because you don't like them."
"What if I did?"
Oh. I see now... "I did send them to you."
"You did."
"Trust never entered my mind."
"Because you didn't think it through."
"Because it's absolute."
"You'd let me? If I liked them."
"Yes. As long as we talked first."
"Just a few things. I have... limits. As long as I had an opportunity to tell you what they are, then I would let you."
"You want to talk about this now?"
Okay... "Well... Don't cover my face."
"I would never do that to you."
"I'm sorry... I do know that, it didn't need to be said."
"It's important. Don't be sorry."
I smile at his understanding and go on, "Or mouth."
"I would never take away your ability to say no, sweetheart. Eyes?"
"Eyes? Well... I trust you, but I like to see."
"I know."
"We could leave that open."
"Fair. What else?"
"Ummm... well... "
"Tell me."
"You might not like this one."
"If it's a limit for you, it doesn't matter."
"Can we talk about this another time?"
"I want to talk about it now. Tell me."
"Please, Jaimin?"
"Is it hard for you to tell me?"
"You can say anything to me. You know that."
"I know. I will, but... I have a feeling it could come up someday... Could we just talk about it at that time?"
"It's something you think I'll want?"
"Possibly. I don't want to make assumptions, but... it seems... ummm... "
"Then all the more reason to discuss it now."
What if...
He has the right to know.
"Okay. Well... "
"What are you afraid of?"
"I don't know if it's important to you. Maybe you won't accept it... Maybe it would be too much... "
"Too much? Claire, nothing could be more important to me than you are. If that's what you're afraid of, take it from your mind right now.
There are things I'm fond of, but you've already generously offered, so I can't imagine what you could think... oh... " His words turn to laughter, "I think I know."
He reaches for me where I still stand in front of him and pulls me closer to him. He slides his hands under his sweatshirt (that I'm drowning in) and rubs them slowly over my ass with a smile on his face. "My pretty little prize has limits?"
"Just one. I'd say two, but you already disregard the other on a daily basis, so that seems pointless."
"Pointless indeed. And what if I told you that this, as well, was pointless?"
What? Oh, please don't...
"Answer me, Claire."
The tears come, I can't stop them. That this could cost me everything... are you kidding me? "Then you would break my heart, because I can't bend that much, not even for you."
"Oh God... No, sweetheart... I'm so sorry... " He pulls me down, cradling me in his lap, wiping the tears from my face. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I would never do that to you. I just wanted to know if you'd stand up for yourself, if you'd stand up to me. I shouldn't have done that, and I'm an asshole, but I'm very happy that you did."
"It's really not important to you?"
"Hell no. You are. Nothing like that means a damn thing to me. Please understand that. Nothing that could make you unhappy could ever be important to me. I can see why you might think I'd have a fondness for that, that's my fault, but Claire... over you?"
"I didn't want you to."
"You're even sweeter than I thought you were."
"Don't say that."
"It's not a bad thing, just misguided in this instance. I promise you, we will never do anything that we don't both want to do. If you have a thousand limits, don't ever be afraid to tell me what they are. Don't ever be afraid to use your voice. And don't ever be afraid that I won't choose you. There is no choice. There's nothing but you. I'm very sorry that I made you cry, sweetheart."
"You should be."
"I am. Do you still love me?"
"Of course I do. But you are an... "
"Go ahead. You can say it."
"No... I don't need to. It's enough that you know."
"I promise you I do. So... anything else?"
"Ummm... not that I can think of. But then, I don't know how much of a freak you are. I'll let you know if something arises. Do you have any that I should know about?"
"That apply to you, no. But then, I don't know how much of a freak you are. I'll let you know if something arises."
I laugh and roll my eyes. Yeah, that'll happen... "What do you mean, that apply to me?"
"I had a couple, but they clearly don't apply to you. If they did, you wouldn't like my mouth so much."
"Oh. I love your mouth."
"I know," he smirks.
"Except when it tells me no."
"I think the times when it doesn't should more than make up for when it does."
"I think you should just stop telling me no and then I can love it always."
"As long as you love me always, I can live with the rare moments you don't love my mouth."
"Lucky me."
"When I'm not telling you no, I'd say you're very lucky."
"I'm not sure... Perhaps, but my memory is a bit hazy from all of the Nos."
"Is that right?"
"Yes. It's quite sad, really."
"Oh, you just wait until I get you back here and settled where you belong."
"Yes, Sir... with bated breath."
"You think about that, I'm going to go take a shower and think about stripes on my pretty little ass."
"If I think about that, I'll need another one. And please do." One out of two isn't bad...
He gives me a wink as he turns to head towards the bathroom. "Give me two minutes and then get in there and dry your hair."
"And behave."
"You will be vulnerable... " He narrows his eyes at me and I laugh. "No peeking. I promise. And Jaimin?"
Wary and warning, "Yes?"
"You're welcome. And I love your notes."
"Thank you. And I'll remember that."
"Oh, and Claire?"
"You never had to worry... I'd have never asked you for that."
"An exception for me?"
"Does it matter?"
It's official, Jaimin Guillory is positively the most driven, determined, and efficient human being on planet Earth when he wants something. What does he want? Me. Tucked safely and willingly into his lair. Our lair. Well, mission nearly accomplished. I suppose the fact that I'm a bit of a minimalist made it easy. And also the fact that I have two residences, and most things that are of great sentimental value to me are in my grandparents house. Our house.
Things I don't immediately need are headed there tomorrow and we're going to spend a quiet, peaceful weekend there, and hopefully much more time in the future. I have a proposition of my own to make once we're there. So, other than the last few things we came back for, I'm all moved in.
He enlisted a friend's help to move my favorite chair and bureau, the only large things I requested come with, and it was apparent my face was familiar to him, and his shock at his changed friend was by no means concealed. Nor was Jaimin's unabashed happiness. He really wants this.
I'm leaving most of the other furniture for now, a few things will go to the house, but the rest I've offered to Emilie for her new apartment. She ecstatically accepted and she'll be moving it out next week. All in all, the move was done quickly, only my studio and my closet were daunting in any way. To me, not to him. When he wants something...
So, here we are, crime scenes playfully revisited, and ready to move forward. I take one last look around my studio, the place that comforted me for so long. The place that made me feel safe. The safety that gave me air. I wasn't vulnerable here, except to my own mind.
It's just space. The comfort... the safe... the air... that all came from you. You brought it here. You'll take it with you.
Are you staying?
Are you letting me go?
No. I need you.
Then I'll be with you.
We're going to be vulnerable.
I think it's okay. We trust him.
We do.
Let it go.
"Are you okay?" he asks quietly from the doorway.
We are. "I'm fine."
"If you need more time... "
"I was just thinking how vulnerable I'll be... "
The pain and fear in his voice is unmistakable. "Are you having second thoughts?"
"No. I'm ready. It's just walls and space. Everything meaningful that happened here, the peace I found... I'm taking with me. Or it's taking me... " I smile sweetly at him, "I'm not afraid of vulnerable anymore. It's only to you... Let's go home."
His face lights up at my words and letting go is suddenly easy. I'm not giving anything up. I'm gaining everything. I flip the lights off for the last time and take his extended hand. I let him lead me, just like that first day. Well, almost... I'm not trembling this time.
Is that so?
Hmmm... okay, maybe a little, but this time it's from knowing, not the unknown.
Is THAT so?
Shut up. I have a fondness for chaos.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" he asks as we reach the bottom of the stairs.
"Just you," I smile, "Always you."
He gives me his beautiful boyish grin. "You have no idea how happy you're making me."
"I think I have some idea."
"It will be much clearer when I get you home."
The glint in his eyes leaves no question. Mercy... "What are you waiting for? I'm ready."
He chuckles wickedly and walks toward the door. "Let me just get the last of your things in the truck, and I'll be right back to get you."
"I can help you... "
"No, you stay put. Right back, I promise."
I smile as he closes the door. His truck is parked right out front this time, the rear entrance no longer necessary for what little we had left. I turn to grab my coat from the back of the chair, when the door flies open again.
"That was fast, even for... "
I see him for a split second and my scream is soundless but to my own ears as his hand covers my mouth...
Too vulnerable...
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You bitch!!! I can't believe you left it off there of all places!!! I knew it was coming eventually,but,WTF!!!
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ReplyDeleteI think for the first time I saw a hint of you in Claire in this chapter know what part no need to say ;) Can't believe the cliffie *coughs* EVIL BITCH.. lol. Poor Claire, I'm terrified to see what the crazy ass creeper has in store for her but completely confident that my beautiful bastard will not only save his love but make said creepers life an eternal living hell for touching his Claire! Brilliant chapter bb I love u <3
ReplyDeleteWTF! the creeper...I'm afraid to keep reading....but I'll do so anyways because I'm a masochist and because you're an amazing writer... :)
ReplyDeleteTHANK GOD I started this after all the chapters that are posted were finished cause THIS IS ONE HELL OF A CLIFFHANGER!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness she's moving in! And good for Claire for setting boundaries!
I loved this chapter! Well ... except the end ... but I'm confident our favorite arrogant French man will take care of that business! ;)
oh fuck....
ReplyDeleteOH No..Not this crazy stalker. Please don't make him hurt her. And Jaimin please come back. I am a bunch of nerves right now.
ReplyDeleteI am very happy that Claire stands up for herself. Jaimin can't have all the control. But now I really need him to take control. Get this creeper out Jaimin. Act and do it fast.
Fwking psycho!!!!! * crying*